“Claire – Erica – Cleo” by Yorgos Ntovas

Yorgos Books Τα Βιβλία του Γιώργου Ντόβα - A.I. Art
“Claire – Erica – Cleo” by Yorgos Ntovas

Excerpt from Chapter 1. Monday – Claire

Available in Paperback and eBook here

“Right. Let me put my professional hat on, forget that I just had the best sex of my life, as if, and proceed with the psychography of …. what was her name?”


“Our dear Erica, yes.”

“So, let’s go through her photos again. Like I said when we talked on Skype, the girl looks normal. She has a well-shaped healthy body, I didn’t detect any traces of neurosis and judging from the details, she is still a virgin. At least she was when the bikini pictures were taken. She has very kind features and she looks calm and timid. However, as I already told you, timid doesn’t necessarily means prude. Her maturation level is very satisfying. Her female hormone levels must be above normal. You can tell from her breasts’ growth. Now, judging from the recent photos, she can easily lose the weight she put due to her psychological problems. Note that, the extra weight is balanced. The fact that, putting on weight, didn’t affect her breasts is highly remarkable. It means that her hormones are intact. I’d say that, she can go back to her normal weight in about three months, with the right workout program. So, my verdict is as follows: Regardless if she is a virgin or not, in the right man’s hands and with the proper approach, she could become a great partner. She may never be the perfect mistress, although you never know, but I’m sure she will be a passionate woman who could satisfy the average guy.”

“Hypothetically speaking, of course.”

“Well, if you are asking if she is the ideal partner for you, the answer is simple. No, she is not. Judging from my previous experience -which I hope to overcome- the ideal mistress for you is me” she said, laughing, “and I emphasize on mistress and not wife.”

“Ok, I understand and I thank you very much. I know it was hard for you to do that, especially after what happened between us. You actually answered my basic question. Of course, other matters have arisen now.”


“After what happened with us, I can’t possibly think my life without you.”

“Really, darling? You are making me so happy.”

“On the other hand, I need to consider Erica’s case. I skipped some details and there are other factors involved. I was thinking the possibility of reaching a decision that com-bines everything.”

«I hope you realize that you can fully trust me, as I can trust you too. What is mine is now yours. If this is about money, don’t even think about it. I have enough to support us for the rest of our lives and for the next one too. We can live wherever we want. I have deposits in Greece and abroad and my job keeps providing me with more. I can work when-ever I want. I can go on vacation whenever and for as long as I desire. This applies to you too. We are one. You are running through my veins and I can’t live without you.”

“Thank you very much. I’m really touched. I think I’m going to cry.”

Μοιραστείτε το!

Yorgos Ntovas

Γειά σας! Είμαι ο Γιώργος Ντόβας, Συγγραφέας Βιβλίων και Θεατρικών Κειμένων, Σεναριογράφος και Δημιουργός Ψηφιακών Έργων Τέχνης. Έχω γράψει τα βιβλία, «Κλαίρη – Έρικα – Κλειώ» (Τριλογία), «Ελένη & Μενέλαος», «Ένα Βροχερό Απόγευμα και Πολλές Ηλιόλουστες Μέρες», «Ο Εκδότης», «Απόπειρα Βιασμού», «4 Ερωτικές Ιστορίες», «Αναγέννηση», «Η Πολιτικός», «Χέρμα», «Η Νύφη», «Η Ρεπόρτερ», «Δίδυμοι Πειρασμοί», «Συνέβη στο Χαλάνδρι – Βραχίονας του Ωρίωνα», «Η Κόρη του Δημάρχου», «Masculinia», «Εχθροί Μέσα Μου» και «Μαγικό Βουνό». Το πρώτο βιβλίο της Τριλογίας «Κλαίρη – Έρικα – Κλειώ», το «Ένα Βροχερό Απόγευμα και Πολλές Ηλιόλουστες Μέρες» και το «Ελένη & Μενέλαος», έχουν μεταφρασθεί στα Αγγλικά και κυκλοφορούν παγκόσμια, μέσα από το site μου. Hello! My name is Yorgos Ntovas and I am a Books, Theatrical Texts Author and Scripts Writer from Athens, Greece. I create also Digital Artworks and write various strange or not, books. I've written in Greek, the books “Claire – Erica – Cleo” (Trilogy), “Eleni & Menelaos”, “A Rainy Afternoon and Many Sunny Days”, “The Publisher”, “Attempt of Rape”, “4 Erotic Stories”, “Renaissance”, “The Politician”, “Herma”, “The Bride”, “The Reporter”, “Twins Temptations”, “It happened in Halandri - Orion Arm”, “Mayor’s Daughter”, “Masculinia”, "Enemies Inside Me" and "Magical Mountain". The first book of the trilogy “Claire – Erica – Cleo”, “A Rainy Afternoon and Many Sunny Days” and “Eleni and Menelaos”, have been translated into English and are available worldwide through my site.

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