“A Rainy Afternoon and Many Sunny Days” by Yorgos Ntovas

Yorgos Books Τα Βιβλία του Γιώργου Ντόβα - A.I. Art
“A Rainy Afternoon and Many Sunny Days” by Yorgos Ntovas

Excerpt from Chapter 6. Providenciales, Turks & Caicos!

Available in Paperback and eBook here

A relatively tall, extremely beautiful lady appeared shortly after. She had pure British, kind features and a natural smile. White skin, natural red-head, voluminous breasts and amazing blue eyes. She wore a white tight shirt that highlighted her breasts and a black, short, tight skirt. Also, a pair of black stiletto pumps that highlighted her shapely, thin legs. He felt strange when he saw her. It was a weird, indistinct but pleasant feeling as if he knew her from before.

She approached, greeted him warmly and invited him to her office. Once their hands interacted, he felt a pleasant numbness. This puzzled him but he tried not to show.

She ordered an employee to carry his luggage to Mansion number six which was located in the northern part of the Complex.

They sat at her office and she began explaining the procedures and the Complex Modus Operandi. Each mansion had had its own operator in charge. In his case it was her, Mrs. Margaret (Maggie) Higginson. She was in charge of everything that had to do with the mansion’s well-being and a personal consultant for its inhabitants. She also took care of the services provided there as well as their living on the island.

They began with the typical procedures first. The fact that he looked like a native in his papers impressed her. According to the instructions they gave him, he explained that his father was British and he was living in Providenciales when Max was born. He was dealing with constructions. He met his mother there who was Greek and on vacation at that time. He fell for her, started a relationship and he was born. Two years later, they returned to Athens where he grew up. He returned to Providenciales after forty-six years. Also explained that this was the reason he was speaking Greek better than English.

Maggie was impressed. She told him that she also had similar origins. She was thirty-two years old. Her father was a civil engineer from the Bahamas with Welsh origins. He met her mother, who was also British, at Providenciales. They got married and initially lived at the Bahamas. After a few years, they moved to Scotland. She studied Business & Management at the University of Glasgow then had her MSc in Tourism, Heritage & Development. When she finished her Master’s Degree, her parents got divorced. She decided to return to Providenciales with her mother. At this time, the Complex was constructed. The owner was an old acquaintance and colleague of her father’s. Her father granted the necessary capital and Maggie became a shareholder with a 10% in the Complex company. She simultaneously took over an executive position. Besides, she had the necessary qualifications for that. She was one of the two vice presidents of the company who owned the Complex.

After explaining Complex Modus Operandi, she added that she liked him a lot. She offered to help him adapt to this place. She clarified that she would do that with great pleasure. She was single at the time. She had no husband or a relationship.

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Yorgos Ntovas

Γειά σας! Είμαι ο Γιώργος Ντόβας, Συγγραφέας Βιβλίων και Θεατρικών Κειμένων, Σεναριογράφος και Δημιουργός Ψηφιακών Έργων Τέχνης. Έχω γράψει τα βιβλία, «Κλαίρη – Έρικα – Κλειώ» (Τριλογία), «Ελένη & Μενέλαος», «Ένα Βροχερό Απόγευμα και Πολλές Ηλιόλουστες Μέρες», «Ο Εκδότης», «Απόπειρα Βιασμού», «4 Ερωτικές Ιστορίες», «Αναγέννηση», «Η Πολιτικός», «Χέρμα», «Η Νύφη», «Η Ρεπόρτερ», «Δίδυμοι Πειρασμοί», «Συνέβη στο Χαλάνδρι – Βραχίονας του Ωρίωνα», «Η Κόρη του Δημάρχου», «Masculinia», «Εχθροί Μέσα Μου», «Μαγικό Βουνό», «Ο Βουλευτής». Το πρώτο βιβλίο της Τριλογίας «Κλαίρη – Έρικα – Κλειώ», το «Ένα Βροχερό Απόγευμα και Πολλές Ηλιόλουστες Μέρες» και το «Ελένη & Μενέλαος», έχουν μεταφρασθεί στα Αγγλικά και κυκλοφορούν παγκόσμια, μέσα από το site μου. Hello! My name is Yorgos Ntovas and I am a Books, Theatrical Texts Author and Scripts Writer from Athens, Greece. I create also Digital Artworks and write various strange or not, books. I've written in Greek, the books “Claire – Erica – Cleo” (Trilogy), “Eleni & Menelaos”, “A Rainy Afternoon and Many Sunny Days”, “The Publisher”, “Attempt of Rape”, “4 Erotic Stories”, “Renaissance”, “The Politician”, “Herma”, “The Bride”, “The Reporter”, “Twins Temptations”, “It happened in Halandri - Orion Arm”, “Mayor’s Daughter”, “Masculinia”, "Enemies Inside Me", "Magical Mountain", "Member of the Parliament". The first book of the trilogy “Claire – Erica – Cleo”, “A Rainy Afternoon and Many Sunny Days” and “Eleni and Menelaos”, have been translated into English and are available worldwide through my site.

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