UNCENSORED: Something Impossible Is Happening With Our Moon!

Truth message aliens ufos to extraterrestrial life planet moon universe space world news current events 2020 today this week this month

Extraterrestrial life is hypothetical life which may occur outside of Earth and which did not originate on Earth. Such life might range from simple prokaryotes to beings with civilizations far more advanced than humanity. The Drake equation speculates about the existence of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe.

Unidentified flying object is the popular term for any aerial phenomenon that cannot immediately be identified. Most UFOs are identified on investigation as conventional objects or phenomena. The term is widely used for claimed observations of extraterrestrial spacecraft.

The Moon is an astronomical body that orbits Earth as its only natural satellite. It is the fifth-largest satellite in the Solar System, and the largest among planetary satellites relative to the size of the planet that it orbits.


Just 100 years ago, the nature of the Milky Way — and the universe itself — was still a matter of debate. On April 26, 1920, astronomer Harlow Shapley claimed our galaxy was the entire universe. Astronomer Heber Curtis countered that the blurry star clusters seen with a telescope were “island universes,” separate from, but analogous to, the Milky Way.

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Yorgos Ntovas

Γειά σας! Είμαι ο Γιώργος Ντόβας, Συγγραφέας Βιβλίων και Θεατρικών Κειμένων, Σεναριογράφος και Δημιουργός Ψηφιακών Έργων Τέχνης. Έχω γράψει τα βιβλία, «Κλαίρη – Έρικα – Κλειώ» (Τριλογία), «Ελένη & Μενέλαος», «Ένα Βροχερό Απόγευμα και Πολλές Ηλιόλουστες Μέρες», «Ο Εκδότης», «Απόπειρα Βιασμού», «4 Ερωτικές Ιστορίες», «Αναγέννηση», «Η Πολιτικός», «Χέρμα», «Η Νύφη», «Η Ρεπόρτερ», «Δίδυμοι Πειρασμοί», «Συνέβη στο Χαλάνδρι – Βραχίονας του Ωρίωνα», «Η Κόρη του Δημάρχου», «Masculinia», «Εχθροί Μέσα Μου», «Μαγικό Βουνό», «Ο Βουλευτής». Τα Βιβλία μου, έχουν μεταφρασθεί στα Αγγλικά και κυκλοφορούν παγκόσμια. Hello! My name is Yorgos Ntovas and I am a Books, Theatrical Texts Author and Scripts Writer from Athens, Greece. I create also Digital Artworks and write various strange or not, books. I've written in Greek, the books “Claire – Erica – Cleo” (Trilogy), “Eleni & Menelaos”, “A Rainy Afternoon and Many Sunny Days”, “The Publisher”, “Attempt of Rape”, “4 Erotic Stories”, “Renaissance”, “The Politician”, “Herma”, “The Bride”, “The Reporter”, “Twins Temptations”, “It happened in Halandri - Orion Arm”, “Mayor’s Daughter”, “Masculinia”, "Enemies Inside Me", "Magical Mountain", "Member of the Parliament". My books, have been translated into English and are available worldwide.

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